Tag Archives: vegetables

April Planting Guide

April, the last remnants of winter melt away and it’s ideal time to dive into planting. You’re a seasoned gardener? Just starting out? This April Planting Guide offers a wealth of opportunities to cultivate a vibrant and productive garden. Here are some of the best plants to start growing in Massachusetts in April:


While it’s still too early to plant tomatoes outdoors in April, it’s the perfect time to start seeds indoors. Tomatoes require a longer growing season, so starting them indoors gives them a head start before transplanting them outside once the danger of frost has passed. Choose a sunny spot indoors and sow tomato seeds in containers or seed trays filled with potting soil. With proper care, you’ll have healthy tomato seedlings ready for the garden in no time. c


Like tomatoes, peppers benefit from an early start indoors in April. Start pepper seeds in containers indoors about 8-10 weeks before the last frost date. Peppers thrive in warm temperatures, so be sure to provide adequate heat and light for optimal germination and growth. Once the seedlings have developed a few sets of true leaves, they can be transplanted into the garden after all threat of frost has passed.

Lettuce and Salad Greens

April is an excellent time to sow seeds for lettuce and other salad greens directly in the garden. Lettuce prefers cooler temperatures, so planting in early spring ensures a bountiful harvest before the heat of summer sets in. Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil and sow seeds thinly in rows or patches. Keep the soil consistently moist, and you’ll soon be enjoying fresh, crisp salads from your garden.


Radishes are one of the quickest and easiest vegetables to grow, making them perfect for beginners and seasoned gardeners alike. Sow radish seeds directly in the garden in April, spacing them about an inch apart in rows. Radishes prefer cool weather and will mature in as little as three to four weeks. Harvest them when they reach the desired size for a crunchy and spicy addition to salads and snacks.


Many herbs thrive when started from seed or transplanted outdoors in April. Sow herbs like basil, cilantro, parsley, and dill directly in the garden once the soil has warmed up. Alternatively, you can start herb seeds indoors and transplant them outside later in the season. Herbs are not only delicious additions to your culinary creations but also attract beneficial insects to the garden.


Spinach is another cool-season crop that thrives in Massachusetts in April. Sow spinach seeds directly in the garden in early spring for a nutritious and delicious addition to your meals. Spinach prefers rich, well-drained soil and regular watering to keep the leaves tender and flavorful. Harvest spinach leaves when they are young and tender for the best flavor and texture.


Plant a classic spring crop, peas, outdoors in April. As soon as the soil can be worked, space them about two inches apart in rows. Peas are climbing vines, so provide support for them to climb as they grow. Water regularly and fertilize, your reward will be sweet and crunchy pea pods in no time.

April is an exciting time for gardeners in Massachusetts as they prepare for the upcoming growing season. By planting these top crops in April, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of fresh vegetables and herbs throughout the spring and summer months. So grab your gardening gloves and get ready to sow the seeds of success in your garden this April!


Building Center, herein referred to as “the Company,” is a reputable provider of building materials catering to homeowners and industry professionals alike. The contents of this blog is intended solely for the purpose of informing and assisting individuals engaged in various building projects. It is imperative to emphasize that the information presented herein is provided strictly for informational purposes. While the Company endeavors to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the content to the best of its ability, it must be acknowledged that inadvertent omissions, errors, or inaccuracies may occur.

Therefore, it is strongly advised that individuals seek the counsel and guidance of qualified professionals before embarking on any course of action based on the information provided in this blog. Safety considerations must always take precedence in all building endeavors. Accordingly, any actions undertaken based on the information presented within this blog are executed at the sole risk and discretion of the reader. The Company, its affiliates, and its representatives shall not be held liable or accountable for any adverse consequences, damages, or losses incurred as a result of reliance on the information contained in this blog. By accessing and utilizing this blog, the reader acknowledges and agrees to hold the Company harmless from any and all liabilities arising from such reliance

Digging In: Garden Prep

We are officially past the shortest days of the year and it’s time to garden prep!

As the days grow longer and the temperatures begin to rise, gardeners everywhere are eagerly preparing for the upcoming growing season. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, proper preparation is key to a successful garden. In this guide, we’ll explore when and how to prep your garden for the growing season.

When to Start Preparing Your Garden

The timing of garden preparation largely depends on your local climate and the types of plants you intend to grow. In most regions, the process typically begins in early spring, once the soil has thawed and become workable. However, some gardeners may choose to start earlier by taking advantage of mild winter days to tackle tasks such as clearing debris and planning layouts. On Cape Ann we are Zone 6 or 7, dependent on the weather of New England.

Step 1: Assess Your Garden

Before diving into any physical work, take some time to assess your garden. Walk around and observe the condition of the soil, drainage patterns, and any existing plants or structures. Note areas that receive the most sunlight and those that may be shaded by trees or buildings. This information will help you make informed decisions about plant placement and soil amendments.

Step 2: Clear Debris and Prepare Beds

Once you’ve assessed your garden, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start clearing away any debris leftover from the winter months. Remove dead plants, weeds, and fallen leaves, being sure to dispose of any diseased material.

Next, prepare your garden beds by loosening the soil with a shovel or garden fork (learn about essential gardening tools here). This will improve drainage and aeration, creating an optimal environment for plant roots to thrive. Consider adding organic matter such as compost or aged manure to enrich the soil and provide essential nutrients for plant growth. 

Step 3: Plan Your Garden Layout

With your garden beds prepared, it’s time to plan your garden layout. Take into account factors such as plant spacing, sunlight requirements, and companion planting principles. Consider creating raised beds or planting in containers if you have limited space or poor soil conditions, but don’t forget to add drainage to any containers you plan to plant in.

Make a rough sketch of your garden layout, taking care to group plants with similar water and sunlight needs together. This will help maximize space and streamline maintenance tasks such as watering and fertilizing.

Step 4: Test and Amend Soil

As part of your garden prep, it’s a good idea to test your soil to determine its pH level and nutrient content. Based on the results of your soil test, amend the soil as needed to achieve the optimal pH level and nutrient balance for your chosen plants. Common soil amendments include lime to raise pH, sulfur to lower pH, and organic fertilizers to add essential nutrients.

Test your soil pH

Step 5: Mulch and Weed

Mulching is an essential step in garden preparation, helping to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Apply a layer of organic mulch such as shredded leaves, straw, or wood chips to your garden beds, being careful to leave space around the base of plants to prevent rot.

While mulching helps to reduce weed growth, it’s still important to stay vigilant and remove any weeds that do pop up. Hand pulling or using a hoe are effective methods for controlling weeds without disturbing your plants.

Step 6: Irrigation and Maintenance

Finally, take some time to set up an irrigation system if needed and establish a regular maintenance routine for your garden. Monitor soil moisture levels regularly and water deeply as needed, particularly during dry spells or hot weather.

Stay on top of pest and disease management by inspecting your plants regularly for signs of trouble and taking appropriate action as needed. This may include hand picking pests, applying organic insecticides or fungicides, or practicing cultural controls such as crop rotation.

By following these steps for garden prep and you’ll set yourself up for success and enjoy a bountiful harvest of healthy, vibrant plants. So grab your gardening tools and get ready to watch your garden flourish! 



Building Center, herein referred to as “the Company,” is a reputable provider of building materials catering to homeowners and industry professionals alike. The contents of this blog is intended solely for the purpose of informing and assisting individuals engaged in various building projects. It is imperative to emphasize that the information presented herein is provided strictly for informational purposes. While the Company endeavors to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the content to the best of its ability, it must be acknowledged that inadvertent omissions, errors, or inaccuracies may occur.

Therefore, it is strongly advised that individuals seek the counsel and guidance of qualified professionals before embarking on any course of action based on the information provided in this blog. Safety considerations must always take precedence in all building endeavors. Accordingly, any actions undertaken based on the information presented within this blog are executed at the sole risk and discretion of the reader.

The Company, its affiliates, and its representatives shall not be held liable or accountable for any adverse consequences, damages, or losses incurred as a result of reliance on the information contained in this blog. By accessing and utilizing this blog, the reader acknowledges and agrees to hold the Company harmless from any and all liabilities arising from such reliance.