Homeowner! DIY enthusiast or novice, having these tools to help you with general household fixes is a must. Even Bob the Builder has these 10 essential tools at his disposal. These will save you time, money and reduce stress in the future. Here we go, let’s check the list of top 10 Essential tools that every homeowner should own.

1. Screwdriver Set:

Every home requires an assortment of trusty screwdrivers. Putting together a piece of furniture or tightening the loose screws, and switching out a cabinet handles,

2. Cordless Drill

Say goodbye to manual labor with a cordless drill. Hanging shelves, building decks, putting together flat-pack wardrobes … you name it, the cordless drill will be your hero.

3. Adjustable Wrench:

Stop wondering which wrench size you need. Just take a trip to the adjustable wrench stand. Trouble with your home’s plumbing – adjustable wrench. Problem with your car – adjustable wrench. If your pressure cooker explodes, adjustable wrench. You get the point.

Workshop Wrench” by The World is a StageCC0 1.0

4. Hammer:

You need a hammer for hanging pictures that are bought at Ikea and you need it for small demolition projects. For these reasons, it’s a one of 10 essentials tools in any toolbox.

5. Tape Measure:

Guessing measurements is risky. If you plan to purchase furniture or are thinking about a home renovation, having a tape measure as a tool will come in handy.

6. Utility Knife

Opening packages, cutting through stubborn materials – a utility knife is a versatile tool that you’ll wonder how you ever lived without.

7. Pliers

Want to tighten, loosen or pinch? Pliers are the tool for the job – great for electrical work, plumbing repairs and more.

Old Pliers” by The World is a StageCC0 1.0

8. Level

Ensure your pictures hang straight and your shelves are aligned with a trusty level. It’s a small tool that makes a big difference in maintaining the aesthetics of your home making it integral to your 10 Essential Tools .

9. Flashlight

No amount of power surges and blackouts or emerging from a dark cupboard will derail the power of a well-stocked flashlight. Keep a flashlight in your tool box, and one next to the front door in case of emergency.

10. Stepladder

Go the distance! A dependable stepladder takes you to new heights (safely) allowing you to change lightbulbs or reach high shelves with ease.

Armed with this treasure trove of basics, you’ll be prepared for pretty much anything that comes your way on the home-improvement front. You don’t have to be a master handyman to accomplish simple repairs or improvements, just be prepared. Grab your tools, and get to work!


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